Foto Rachel Lalita 2

Quali sono, secondo te, le caratteristiche che deve avere una brava PR? Ottime doti comunicative, ovviamente, ma anche onestà, carattere socievole, flessibilità e organizzazione!

Qual è l’ispirazione alla base del tuo blog? Durante il mio primo stage, la mia responsabile mi chiese di occuparmi del loro blog. All’inizio non ne fui molto entusiasta, ma dopo poco tempo mi resi conto che cominciai a pensare agli argomenti da trattare quotidianamente quasi come se fosse il mio blog personale. Così, approfittai dell’entusiasmo iniziale e fondai Rachmarie PR: non avevo assolutamente idea di che cosa mi aspettasse (questo in realtà vale tutt’ora;-)), ma cominciai a scrivere e a fare un po’ di networking. Una cosa che ho imparato nel tempo è che nelle PR è bene sempre spingersi oltre le proprie sicurezze e provare nuove esperienze. Questo atteggiamento consente di aprire gli orizzonti e di conoscere sempre più persone, ma anche aspetti della propria personalità finora sconosciuti.

Come gestisci contemporaneamente lavoro e blog? Raccontami la tua giornata tipo. Le mie giornate non sono esclusivamente dedicate alle Pubbliche Relazioni: ho un day job come office coordinator (che mi permette di pagare le bollette, per intenderci;-)) oltre alla mia attività di consulente in comunicazione e la gestione del blog, impegno, quest’ultimo, da non sottovalutare visto il tempo che dedico alla stesura dei post, socials, ricerca argomenti…

Hai mai lavorato per un cliente italiano o europeo? Non ho mai lavorato per clienti o progetti internazionali ma mi piacerebbe molto! Grazie ai social media sono entrata in contatto con molte realtà europee. Contatti di cui sono molto fiera e che tengo vivi costantemente… non vedo l’ora di scoprire differenze o nuove possibilità di interazione con loro!

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Tell me something about your career: how you got into public relations, how achieved your current position,…  I am currently freelancing for a couple clients and really loving it. I actually wasn’t even looking to start freelancing, it just happened when my first client found me and inquired about if I freelance, we met and chatted and I decided it would be a good fit! I graduated from college a few years ago with a degree in communications/public relations and marketing and have been job searching since. After I started freelancing my job search was placed on the back burner for a while but I am ready to jump back into it full force and find my new position at a PR firm or agency!

What are the key skills to being a great PR? Great communication is obviously a must! I would add honest, outgoing, adaptable and organized to the list of key skills that help make a fabulous PR professional.

What inspired you to start your own blog? During the course of one of my internships, my supervisor told me she would like me to take on their blog as “my baby.” I dreaded this and was not excited. But, of course, I started blogging and all most immediately started thinking of topics that I would like to write on but would be better suited if it were MY blog. So, I headed over to Blogger and created Rachmarie PR. I had no idea what I was doing (still feels that way ;) ) and started writing and networking. Something I have learned through interning and working in PR is that you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things. Say yes to as many things as you can (without burning yourself out and making sure you aren’t truly taking on too much) and you will find out so many new things about yourself, your field and career and learn so many new things and people.

How do you manage working and blogging at the same time? Describe your typical work day. My work days are unusual in that they are not filled entirely with PR work and are not typical to a PR day. A typical PR day? No such thing, right?
What I mean is, I have a job as an office coordinator M-F (my “day” job, the job that pays the bills, the paycheck, whatever you want to call it) and I am lucky enough to be able to work a little on freelancing and my blog when I have down time there. But, once I leave there I work even more on freelance work, any blog posts that need to be finished up (or started) and go crazy on my social media sites.

Have you ever worked for a European/ Italian client (or maybe you managed a PR trip in Europe)? If yes, what are the main differences with American ones?
 I have not worked for a European/Italian client but would be very interested to! And, through social media, have made some wonderful contacts with gals in that area of the world and I love to hear about the projects they are working on. I am so glad to have made these great connections and can’t wait to learn more about the differences through my interactions with them!